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Marching Stallions: Policies, Procedures & Fees

Marching Stallions

Summer Band Camp

Before the start of the school year, all students participating in this ensemble must attend the Summer Band Camp. Each day of Summer Band Camp is the equivalent of one week of practice during the school year. This time of the year is vital for the ensemble. Since everyone has their own part and spot in the show, missing one day of camp effects every person.  The ensemble cannot improve if students are absent for even a day. Should a student be absent, an Absence Request Form must be filled out 2 weeks in advance (these are located using this link as well as the marching band page). Word of mouth communication does not guarantee an excused absence or circumstance. 

Band Camp Dates 2023 (These dates are required for all students who participate in Marching Stallions)

Leadership Training: July 24th & 25th (8:00am until 1:00pm) 

Fundamentals Days (Guard and Percussion): July 27th & 28th (8:00am until 3:00pm)

Week 1: July 31st thru August 4th  (8:00am until 5:00pm)   

Week 2: August 7th thru August 10th (8:00am until 5:00pm) & August 11th (end at noon). 


Marching Stallions Policies

  1. The Marching Stallions is an extracurricular activity offered at Southwest High School with rehearsal and performance obligations after school and weekends throughout the fall semester.
  2. All Marching Stallions members are to adhere to the Student Code of conduct. Violation of any policies set forth by Southwest High School or SWO Bands will result in removal from the activity.
  3. Students are expected to attend all after school rehearsals, sectionals, performances and other mandatory events. A schedule has been provided for each student and there is one located on the bulletin board in the band room.
  4. Summer Band Camp, rehearsals, performances, and fundraisers are required for all students that participate in Marching Stallions. 
  5. Students are expected to be early for all rehearsals. (In October, 8th grade participants should come to rehearsal after their school ends for the day.)
  6. Students need to wear appropriate attire when practicing (P.E. dress out clothes). Tennis shoes and socks must always be worn. Bringing extra clothes, socks, and shoes is recommended in case of weather or spills.
  7. Each student has their own spot in the show. Missing rehearsal will affect everyone around that student’s dot/spot and more importantly, the entire ensemble. If a student is sick and cannot make a practice or performance, that student or their parents should contact the band director (not an instructor or another student).
  8. Absent requests should be filled out 2 weeks prior to the date expected to be absent. Students that are in athletics should communicate with their director and coach and make sure they are coming to rehearsal after their practice or split rehearsal & practice times evenly. Work activities are not excused.
  9. Students will not perform at football games or competitions if they have failed to be at both rehearsals during the week. If you do not perform Friday and or Saturday, you are required to attend the event, play in stands/sidelines, and help with equipment.
  10. During rehearsal, NO students are not allowed to have phones on the field. Students will be asked to put phones on the sideline once. Failure to comply will result in dismissal from rehearsal and a referral will be written to administration. 
  11. Students are responsible for their own assigned uniforms, instruments, and equipment.
  12. Students are to respect the three P’s: People, Places, and Property.


Uniform Attire for Performances

Summer Uniform

Summer uniform attire is used for Parent Preview Night, summer parades, football games, and other designated events. Students are responsible for obtaining the items below before Parent Preview Night. Shirts will be given to students during the second week of full camp.

  • Black show shirt – do not cut the sleeves of your show shirt (See Student Handbook)
  • Tennis shoes or Marching shoes (this includes front ensemble)
  • Khaki shorts/pants (Jeans will be allowed once the weather cools down)
  • Socks (plain black, white, or gray only)
  • Clothes are to not be tight fitting (See Student Handbook)

Full Uniform Attire

During the middle of September (when the temperature is cooler) we will switch to our marching band uniforms. The uniform consists of black bibs, uniform jacket, gauntlets, plume, and hat. Students must obtain the following before the first football game in uniform:

  • Black marching shoes
  • Black gloves
  • Black socks (must go up to calf)
  • Gym shorts (to go on underneath bibs)
  • Temporary hair dye should not be used when wearing the shako.

All students must follow these rules for Full Uniform

  1. No jewelry is to be worn in uniform. This includes earrings.
  2. All long hair must be put up under aussie/shako.
  3. Temporary hair dye is strictly prohibited in uniform. This could ruin the shako and will result in a replacement fee.
  4. All band members must wear their show shirt under their uniform. A regular black T-shirt (no writing) is acceptable.
  5. Uniforms must be checked back in at the end of events. Uniforms will not go home with a student or parent unless authorized by the director.
  6. The band director is the only one who will decide on the alterations of attire at any time.
  7. If items of the uniform damaged or misplaced in the students’ possession, the parent/guardian will assume responsibility for its replacement at the value the uniforms were purchased.

Uniform Replacement Costs

Coat / Jacket


Trousers / Pants


Coat Drape


Shako / Hat




Gauntlet Cuffs



Football Games and Performances

  2. We are the 12th man on the field. This means we are always paying attention to the entire game. All band members sit together in the stands. Nobody other than marching band members, staff/volunteers, parents or directors are allowed in the band section.
  3. Students will sit in their assigned sections during games.
  4. The band director is the only one who will instruct students to take jackets off during the game.
  5. We play together or we do not play at all. Game spectators are not to be disturbed with unstructured/unorganized instrument noise. Drum Majors and directors will be using a system to let you know what will be played. If given time, they will call you to attention, give horns up, and then count off. All students must stand and play when the band is playing.
  6. Everyone claps during the fight song if you are not playing an instrument. We must show pride in our school and community. This is not optional.
  7. No food or refreshments, except for water, will be allowed in the stands unless we are on a break.
  8. Students are dismissed for the break after we have cleared the field after our halftime performance. Students are to be back and ready to play “Final Countdown” with 3:00 left in the 3rd This does not mean come back and finish eating in the stands.
  9. On 3rd Quarter break, you are still a representative of SWO Bands. Your uniform is on always even when you are out of it. Jackets may stay off to prevent spills. Please follow proper folding procedures.
  10. Do not allow any person to play or handle your instrument/equipment.
  11. After the end of the football game we will either 1) perform a post-game performance or 2) line up on the track and head for the dismissal spot.
  12. All uniforms are to be stored properly in the uniform storage room. No student will be allowed to take the uniform home.
  13. Only Southwest High School apparel may be worn in our section. Again, we are the 12th man and we must show our school spirit.

Traveling Procedures

  1. Attendance is checked before we leave for any destination
  2. Students must be seated on the bus while it is in motion
  3. No student can sit with a student of the opposite gender
  4. No food or drink is allowed on Activity Buses
  5. Students are reminded that the bus driver needs to concentrate on the road. All conversations must refrain from disrupting the bus driver(s).
    1. There is no talking at a train crossing
  6. No body sprays, perfumes, colognes are to be sprayed on the bus. This applies to deodorizers as well.
  7. Adhere to all policies dealing with travel and representation of Onslow County Schools and Southwest High School.

Competition Procedures

  1. All buses are silent once we reach the entrance of the school.
  2. All students will sit together during the competitions as one section.
  3. While groups are performing
    1. No talking in the stands
    2. Negative comments are to be kept to yourself
    3. Applaud when appropriate
  4. Make sure you have all your performance materials (uniform, instrument, equipment, etc.)
  5. Respect the three P’s! (People, Place, and Property)
  6. Adhere to all policies dealing with travel and representation of Onslow County Schools and Southwest High School.

Absences and Attendance Policies

Students that are in the Marching Stallions must adhere to the mandated attendance policy set forth by Onslow County Schools. (Please see Onslow County Schools Code of Conduct)

  1. Each student has their own spot in the show. Missing rehearsal will affect everyone around that student’s dot/spot and more importantly, the entire ensemble. If a student is sick and cannot make a practice or performance, that student or their parent should contact the band director (not an instructor or another student).
  2. Absent requests should be filled out 2 weeks prior to the date expected to be absent. Work, and other non-school related activities are considered unexcused.
  3. Students who miss a combination of 2 or more rehearsals within 1 week will not perform. Even if the student is not performing, they are required to be at the event and sit with the band in the stands for the entire game or competition. The band director is the only person to tell a student they will not perform.



All students participating in the Marching Stallions must pay the following fees:



Recommended Payment by May 31st 

Recommended Payment for July 31st 

Recommended Payment for August 31st  






Colorguard and Percussion (Drumline & Front Ensemble)






These fees are used to purchase music and drill written for the show, bring in specialized instructors, equipment for the season, gloves, shoes, shirts, and other needed items. For those who would like to make additional payments or may be facing financial difficulties, additional payment installments can be arranged through contact with one of the SWHS Band Boosters Officers. All fees must be paid in full before September 1st. Students will be required to attend events but will not perform at events until all fees are collected. Please see Mr. Barton or a Booster Executive Board member if there is a financial hardship.